Brand awareness is vital to the success of any business. If potential customers do not know about you, they cannot do business with you, and with little brand awareness, even past customers are less likely to return. Brand awareness also needs to be about spreading a positive message. Customers play a large role in this by sharing positive experiences – and gifting is among the most positive experiences retailers can offer.
Branded physical gift cards, as they are convenient to carry on the recipient’s wallet, serve to continuously reinforce the cardholders awareness of the brand. They can be topped-up and are durable, so they stimulate repeat visits to the retailer and encourage customer loyalty. Gifting usually elicits favorable emotions, so gift cards themselves help to reinforce positive associations the recipient has for the gift giver, and therefore, retailer.
While Ogloba are committed to ensuring our clients get the maximum possible benefit from their physical card programs, we also provide integrated solutions that take advantage of digital and virtual gifting to raise brand awareness. The vast majority of consumers say they trust recommendations from friends and via word of mouth over any other form of advertising. Much of this communication nowadays takes place on social media platforms. Retailers can use eGifting and mGifting via the social networks of customers to make their brand more visible to more people, increasing brand awareness. In addition, consumers are increasingly turning to virtual gifting as it is a versatile and convenient way of sending and receiving gifts. Retailers who are seen to give customers the services they want, and engage with consumers in a modern and relevant way, will project a positive impression of their brand.