Ogloba Trip 2017: Bali Life at Ogloba At the end of June 2017, members of the team enjoyed a week long trip to Bali – funded by Ogloba. Details
Celebrating Team Birthdays Life at Ogloba In our Taichung office, we like to celebrate team member’s birthdays because it shows that we appreciate their hard work. Details
Dinner and Bowling Life at Ogloba As reward for their hard work, the junior team recently organized a social gethering, paid for by Ogloba. Details
Welcoming New Team Members Life at Ogloba New team members are welcomed with an informal gathering, to make them feel at home straight away. Details
Ogloba Office, Taichung: The Heart of Innovation Life at Ogloba The office in Taichung is where most of our innovative solutions are developed. An open space, it encourages cooperation and creativity. Details
Badminton Tournaments Life at Ogloba Regular badminton practice helps with team-building, and the general health and fitness of our employees. Details
Ogloba Trip 2015: Japan Life at Ogloba In July 2015, senior members of the Ogloba team spent one week traveling in Japan – funded by Ogloba. Details
Dragon Boat Festival Lunch Life at Ogloba As reward for their hard work, the junior team recently organized a social gethering, paid for by Ogloba. Details
Business Travel: Dubai Life at Ogloba Our team are given the opportunity to travel abroad to assist clients. Details
Ogloba Trip 2014: Taiwan Life at Ogloba In 2014, the Ogloba team went to Hualien, to enjoy many outdoor activities and food. Details